A Mérgezett Toll

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Piece of song = Piece of my life

2010.10.05. 19:47 Mr.Anonymus

Ez a bejegyzés 2 ok miatt jött létre.

1. Kiváncsi vagyok, hogy be tudok-e videót ágyazi a bejegyzésbe.(autodidakta módon próbálom úgyhogy esélyes hogy elbaszom)

2. Bizonyos számokban felfedezni szoktam sorokat, esetleg hosszabb részeket amiktől mindig a homlokomra csapok, hogy: "Bakker, ezt én is írhattam volna" mert teljesen rám vonatkozik. (Igen, tudom sokan vannak így) Szóval ebből egy visszatérő rovatot fogok asszem készíteni...Csak ki kéne találni valami jobb címet...na mind1.


Első delikvens: Eminem - Rabbit run

(Dalszöveg mellékelve és kiemelve azok a részek amik igazán megfogtak.Nem úgy.)





Some days I just wanna up and call it quit
I feel like I'm surrounded by a wall of bricks
Everytime I go to get up, I just fall in pits
My life's like one great big ball of shit

If I could just put it all into all I spit
Instead of always trying to swallow it
Instead of staring at this wall and shit
While I sit, writer's block, sick of all this shit
Can't call it shit, all I know is I'm about to hit the wall
If I have to see another one of moms alcoholic fits
This is it, last straw, thats all, thats it
I ain't dealing with another fuckin' politic
I'm like a skillet bubbling until it filters up
I'm about to kill it, I can feel it building up
Blow this building up, Ive been sealed enough
My cup runneth over, I done filled it up,
The pen explodes and busts, ink spills my guts

You think all I do is stand here and feel my nuts,
Well I'm-a show you what, you gon' feel my rush,
You dont feel it, then it must be too real to touch,
Peel the Dutch, I'm about to tear shit up
Goosebumps, yeah, I'm-a make your hair sit up
Yeah sit up, I'm-a tell you who I be
I'm-a make you hate me, 'cause you ain't me
You ain't, it ain't too late to finally see
What you closed-minded fucks were too blind to see
Whoever finds me's gonna get a finder's fee
Out this world, ain't no one out they mind as me
You need peace of mind? Heres a piece of mine
All I needs a line,
but sometimes I dont always find the words to rhyme
to express how I'm really feeling at that time
, yea
sometimes, sometimes, sometimes
it's just sometimes, its always me
How dark can these hallways be?
The clock strikes midnight, one, two, then half past three
This half-assed rhyme, with this half-assed piece of paper,
I'm desperate at my desk
If I could just get the rest of this shit off my chest again
Stuck in a slump, can't think of nothing
Fuck I'm stumped, but wait, here comes something
Nope, it's not good enough, scribble it out, new pad,
crinkle it up and throw the shit out

I'm fizzlin' now, thought I figured it out
balls in my court, but I'm scared to dribble it out
I'm afraid, but why am I afraid, why am I a slave to this trade?
Sign that I'll spit to the grave, real enough to rile you up
Want me to flip it, I can rip it any style you want
I'm-a switch hitter bitch, Jimmy Smith ain't a quitter
I'm-a sit it here 'til I get enough of me to finally hit
a fucking boiling point, put some oil on your joints,
flip the coin bitch, come get destroyed,
an MC's worst dream, I make 'em tense,
they hate me, see me and shake like a chain-linked fence,
by the looks of 'em you would swear that jaws was comin',
by the screams of 'em, you would swear I'm sawin' someone,
by the way they running, you would swear the law was comin',
It's now or never, and tonight it's all or nothing,
Mama, Jimmy keeps leaving on us, he said he'd be back,
he pinky promised, I don't think he's honest
I'll be back baby, I just gotta beat this clock
fuck this clock, I'm-a make 'em eat this watch,
Don't believe me? Watch, I'm-a win this race,
and I'm-a come back and rub my shit in your face, bitch!
I found my niche, you gonna hear my voice,
'til you're sick of it, you ain't gonna have a choice,
if I gotta scream till I have half a lung,
if I have half a chance I'll grab it, Rabbit Run...




Eminem egyik szó játéka által ikhletve az új cím:


Piece of line = Piece of mine

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Szólj hozzá!

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